Each year the Women Only Project produces short films with an all female cast and crew. Members vary in levels of experience, from college level to industry professional filmmakers and collaborate to share and gain set experience. Completed films are then showcased and submitted to selected film festivals.
Scripts ​
Writen by women for women.

Short scripts subitted by women are reviewed by our readers panel, and selected for production. Each script is then assigned to a female director and their team.

teams ​
All female cast and crew.

Auditions are held to cast characters for each project, and directors are paired with producers, cinematographers, editors, and a crew to film each production.
Apply to be a Cast Member or Crew Member

shows ​
Showcases and Film Festivals.

Once completed the films are showcased by Counterfeit Cow Productions and then submitted to selected film festivals. Films are submitted both collectively and individualy for competition that best suits them.